Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 177,588,188 Issue: 185 | 8th day of Eating, Y7
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword __wolf__raven__

Week - 185

Kreludor: Safe, Or Dangerous?
by __wolf__raven__
Description: Although discovered quite a while ago, not much is known about Neopia's moon Kreludor. So far, it is known as a tourist attraction, scientific site, and even as a marketplace...

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Talk about weird taste...

by huggsy_666


The Spending Spree
"Carl, this is the money we're going to buy food with," said the red Jetsam as he handed some coins to his brother. "Don't spend it!"

by nut862


Brought Together - Part Four
Strophagus beamed at Smatty, almost as if all hope had magically been restored. “You are right, Smatty. Fyora needs the Clover, and we are going to find it, no matter what.” Then he grinned.

by springsteen0991


Random Things

by sky665


Rad'emant Tineela: Part Four
"Tomorrow at the break of dawn, not a moment sooner," Bishram replied and offered another chuckle. His face now glowed exuberantly. "It is late and I suggest all of you get some shut-eye. It's going to be a long and arduous 2 weeks."

by dragonfate

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