Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 177,588,188 Issue: 185 | 8th day of Eating, Y7
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword laurelinden

Week - 165

Freedom and Glory: Part One
by laurelinden
Description: Part of her knew that her hopes were foolish. How could she ever learn to fly while caught in the confines of her metal cell?

Week - 166

Freedom and Glory: Part Two
by laurelinden
Description: His greatest wish was to beat Raife at anything, even once, just to show himself that he could do it, and feel more justified that the admirable Lupe would call him a friend.

Week - 167

Freedom and Glory: Part Three
by laurelinden
Description: The crowds gathered were louder than she could have imagined, and it made her stomach turn to think that all of those eyes would be fixed on her in mere moments.

Week - 168

Freedom and Glory: Part Four
by laurelinden
Description: Terror filled her wide eyes and she began to tremble, but still the little Uni shook her head. "I can't give up," she said softly. "I need to win..."

Week - 185

Prophecy of the Equinox: Part One
by laurelinden
Description: “The egg shall be yours by midnight, you may be assured...”

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