Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 155,861,765 Issue: 298 | 29th day of Relaxing, Y9
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword avibero

Week - 269

Sea Legs
by avibero
Description: Unconsciously, his feet took him forward, closer to the water. Sand changed to wood as he walked onto the pier. Forgetting everything he had run from, the Aisha quietly padded onto a magnificent ship...

Week - 298

Safe No Longer
by avibero
Description: Hiya! Scrap here. Cappy wants me to write down everything that happens. He says it's so he doesn't have to keep a captain's log....

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Are you truly ready to adopt the ill, homeless, sad Neopet? Do you have a good amount of income, plenty of food and drinks, and a warm bed for the Neopet?

by epiercy1996


Fashion Fever
Disclaimer: Customization closet doesn't provide a taste in clothes.

by epona666


Open Heart- Epi 2
It's about time you adopted a Neopet!

by maiinoki

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