Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 120,791,029 Issue: 244 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y8
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At the Altador Cup Sign-in Tent

by soggy_cardboard

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Notions and Nonsense: The Cure
Side effects include Pant Devil raids, Snowager Blasts, and being eaten by Swamp Ghouls...

Art by peri0neo

by patjade


The Young Thief
The Elephante patrolman that was trailing him was closing in. I'm dead if he catches me... this isn't the first time they've nearly gotten me. Kelland slipped into a hidden alley...

by moonea123


A Quest Unlike Any Other: Part Five
Rounding the corner, she uttered a cry - there, in the far corner of the room were her brothers - all apparently sleeping. Quickly, the Tuskaninny roused them. "How did you guys get here?" she demanded...

by toffee_choc


Cease and Desist
Turnabout is fair play.

by world_of_noise

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