Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 265 | 10th day of Storing, Y8
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Your Check, Gentlemen?

by gliderames

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Tea Time - Battledome pet
But I'm the battledome pet! ;_;

by kleptie


The Battle for Kreludor: Part One
The screen before Krule suddenly flickered to life and shed an eerie green glow of light over his face. The commander straightened up and watched as the face of Dr. Sloth came into focus...

by azellica


Grunty Occasions
Being sick.

by lleif


Fire Pets: Care and Myths
These cuddly little balls of ash and fire aren't anything to be afraid of! If you know the right way to care for a Fire Pet, you'll be rewarded with love and luxury, not to mention a free source of heat in the winter.

by kittyfjeld

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