Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 266 | 17th day of Storing, Y8
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by flufey_is_cute

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A Break in Memory: Part Five
"Special delivery from Kregor Geiger!" he said cheerfully, handing her the bag. "He said to mix it in a glass of water and make the patient drink the whole thing..."

by appaloosa500


A Woeful Tale of Woe
Poor Chris Kyrii...

by jellyfishi


Funny Farm
Sorry, that is not a winning ticket.

by saiyukiluva


The Great BLUE Draik Egg Conspiracy... er, "Theory"!
What I want to know, is why is it BLUE? Why not YELLOW, or GREEN? This is why I believe there to be a Great Draik Egg conspiracy.

by alexsmum

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