Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 132,843,258 Issue: 270 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y8
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by christian_in_black

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Say What?
Why some Neopians don't make good teachers...

by fairynotes


The Dancer's Scarf
After Mage had seen me dancing once, she had told me how much fun it looked like and admitted how much she would love to learn how to dance. I had suggested that she learned to dance, which had really seemed to take her by surprise...

by scar19


Revisited: Part One
The house was gargantuan, and the landscaping was marvelous and looked expensive. But what did the pets that lived inside it look like? Undoubtedly they were rich...

by puppy200010


Amayli could feel Ronni's violet eyes boring into her, analyzing her as an assistant and roommate. She didn't care. She found difficulty caring about anything anymore. Whether Ronni liked her or not, it was all biscuits to her...

by animalnutz1993

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