Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 155,861,765 Issue: 298 | 29th day of Relaxing, Y9
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by zeromaxwell

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I'll Never Forget
Serenity walked in the door, with the glint of a plan shining through her eyes. She looked exactly like she were about to do something shocking...

by shadow_sabre_


The New Prophecy: Part Five
"What about the green eyes, though?" Illusen asked from her frozen spot, still squirming uncomfortably as coldness seeped into her bones...

by vanessa1357924680


The Unsung Heroes of the Altador Cup
What about those Neopians we don't know much about, but without whom, this tournament would not be the raging success that we all enjoy? Let's take a closer look...

by the_real_poetess_123


Coolness Comics - Yooyuball Mishap
Ever wonder why the Jelly team isn't in the Altador Cup?

by raptorsama

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