Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 177,384,924 Issue: 312 | 5th day of Collecting, Y9
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Her Voice is Music
She always talked to her sister, even if she couldn't hear. She had never learned sign language, but her sister seemed to understand...

by imogenweasley


Tears of an Apprentice
The young blue Lupe stared up in admiration at the yellow Blumaroo knight towering over him in full metal armor...

by precious_katuch14


To Be Unnormal Or Not To Be Normal
Lookie, the Skeith is crying chocolate milk!

by danish_demon


Yooyuball Addicts: How to Survive the Off-Season
Yooyuball fandom has spread far and wide, reaching the crevices of the Kreludan moon and even the stone-age setting of Tyrannia...

by evie_firebolt

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