The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 164,193,775 Issue: 173 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y7
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My Little Angels

by colhan3000

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Neo Cappucino
Ever wonder what you are REALLY paying for at the Mystery Island Training School?

by raptor291


Mordegan: Poogle Rights Advocate - Part Two
"Yes, yes. That's it, just tell him that you've been running the Poogle races for as long as you can remember and that you love it."

by battlesunn


Your Guidebook to Trading
When browsing around the forums, I realise that there are a lot of questions that people ask about the Trading Post. “What is K?” “Obo means some sort of instrument?” “Will you accept 50,000 neopoints for that Yellow Krawk Morphing Potion?” and many others…

by wsprite


Throw Somewhere Else
Mind your toys...

by shady_lanem

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