A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 176,283,354 Issue: 342 | 9th day of Hunting, Y10
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Why Illusen and Jhudora REALLY hate each other...

by sakurafire

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Fine Line: Part Six
Alamor had nearly caught Uva off guard. The pink Kau had just finished telling the fortune of a young Kacheek and was finishing up her dinner...

by reggieman721


What A Nice Surprise

Concept by alymarcas

by taz_241590


ICE: Interesting Comical Endeavor
I like your costume!

by neogirl21_21


As Royalty Does: Part Three
Sometimes it seems as though the world is made up of Virtupets robots – they do not think, they hardly feel, and they do exactly what is expected of them without questioning it...

by wicked_summer

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