Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 175,202,438 Issue: 368 | 14th day of Storing, Y10
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by ehnnie25

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Last Minute Substitute
What will they do?!

Art by taz_241590

by __lyra152__


Conversations With A Faerie
"Sure, you could use 'faerie' for a typical person of that description, but I'm not typical. I'm stronger, faster, meaner, and smarter than anything or anyone you could call a 'faerie'. I would like to be called a Warrior With Wings."

by esleyoga


Faded Memories #2: Rise of the Battle Faerie - Part Eight
The day of the challenge dawned bright and early. Already, palace servants were setting up one of the dueling courts.

by kit_3_3_3


Ever Wonder?
Neopets are not liable for Grundos who get sick in participation.

by tangaar

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