For an easier life Circulation: 175,814,284 Issue: 418 | 13th day of Storing, Y11
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A Good Night's Sleep

by misshamsterlover

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Who's the Boss?

by mhchristine


The Largest Shop
"We just can't afford to keep the shop running," Lilith replied quietly.

by chocolate_fudge7


Scarlet Shadow: A Scepter Full of Trouble - Part One
She meant to make a quiet escape, but that was apparently not meant to be. "Oh well, at least I got the diamond," she sighed...

by kathleen_kate


So You Want to Wear that Poet's Hat?
We've all seen how cool it would be to have your name resting in bold on top of a hunk of italicized, impressive-looking text.

by _razcalz_

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