Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 177,520,932 Issue: 428 | 29th day of Sleeping, Y12
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Sum of Utility #2

by trafalgarsq

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A Day in the Life
School? Fun? Together? Ha.

by shyn12


The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 1)
It's probably not going to be as exciting as it sounds. Surprising maybe, but exciting... meh.

by hubadawaha


Wobbly Food Thoughts From a Wobbly Mind
The other day I ate a Jhudora Jelly. Before bedtime. The item description tells us this jelly is NOT toxic but made out of just lime. So I ate my perfectly harmless, before bedtime snack and settled down into dreamland.

by rck2002


The Comic comic
Stylish indeed...

by caterait

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