There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 181,914,076 Issue: 458 | 27th day of Hiding, Y12
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Kreludan Sumo

by christy_k

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From Above the Dull Clouds
A rumor is a rumor; preparing for the worst will never help.

by tanzanite800


Revert: Something has happened!
A very dashing Chia indeed.

by charybdis7


Vonde and the Mutant Yooyu Conspiracy: Part One
At first, nobody noticed... except for Vonde Cayle, since he was the one who had to score with the cursed things. He was sure of it, the Mutant Yooyus were up to something.

by hellehond


Hoopla: Mutant Milkshake
PERFECT for Mutant Day!

by _pokemon12_63

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