White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 189,237,064 Issue: 547 | 1st day of Relaxing, Y14
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Bye Bye, Gordo

by labehx3

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To Feel the Sun
I closed my eyes, but the bars remained, burned into my vision from years of staring through them.

by madidogs88


The 10 Must-Have Items For Your Elderly Neopet
Elderly boys and Elderly girls need special care. Their fur or scales may not be so bright, their eyesight not so sharp, but they are very much loved by their owners!

by anamya


Five Secrets You Didn't Know About Sabre-X
There is more to Sabre-X than meets the eye. It turns out that Tyrannia's resident Omelette Defender has some secrets that almost no one knows about.

by dr_tomoe


Crystals, a Terror Mountain Legend
The secret to crafting such "brilliant and beautiful" weapons has been carefully guarded, passed down through each owner of the Ice Crystal shop. 

This is the tale of the first two.

by dragon10044

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