Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 189,680,121 Issue: 557 | 10th day of Hiding, Y14
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Fruit Tree

by thebusterbell

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Great stories!


The Goofers
Kinda missing the point...

by lintsuf


Karl & Hensoy in KQ Basics
(in which the instructions couldn't have been clearer)

Idea by hyperknuckles77_tail

by stillhensoy


Meeting Gorunda
The young Green Nimmo recalled hearing stories of the famous Gorunda every night. His father would lean over his bed and tell magnificent tales...

by fleur_garden


Ice Cream
Ice cream is delicious no matter what the season or occasion and it always adds a nice touch of elegance and, most importantly, tastiness to just about any dessert platter.

by riptocs

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