The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 191,275,612 Issue: 601 | 28th day of Relaxing, Y15
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Shop Wizard Blues

by feellikerain

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Squid Slippers: A House Divided
I just don't get what's so great....

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Shad and Saura: The Secret Belowdecks - Part Two
"In a way she's more of a pirate than any of us will ever be. She used to work as an auditor of sorts in the royal fleet of Meridell..."

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by ssjelitegirl


The Day After Lutari Day: Part Four
The Brightvale Library was grand, with high, vaulted ceilings and a royal purple and gold carpet down the main hall...

by aethelar


Chiaroscuro: Part Two
She runs into the alleyway and comes back out with bundles of papers. The paper on top is covered with ash, but I can still see it: a painting of a brass lantern. The yellow painted glow seems almost to light up the room.

by geniusbulb

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