Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 192,927,879 Issue: 670 | 21st day of Storing, Y16
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Only in Neopia

by mandypandy667

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Great stories!


Almost In Luck!
Neefa, the rather ill-tempered baby Buzz, gets a morning surprise...

by jhudora96


Magma Treasure
If she could just manage to make her way into the pool, she would find an amazing treasure awaiting her. If only she could get in it!

by bengal_kittie


Contrast: Not the Brightest
Looks like we'll need a tutor...

by jojomoonless


Friday: Lost and Found
He retrieved 400 Neopoints from his coin purse, the customary entrance fee one has to pay in order to enter, and tossed it into the waters. Once the fee was paid for, his adventure had begun!

by vanquishee

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