A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 193,882,547 Issue: 708 | 20th day of Storing, Y17
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Can I NOT have a petpet?

by _clement_

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The Stock Market
Patience is a virtue.

by sado400


Meegla and Fargon's Not-So-Intergalactic Adventures: Part Seven
It was cold. Not as terribly cold as the storm outside, but cold nonetheless. Someone had taken his parka, leaving him shivering within the cold metal bars of his cell. Lighted torches lined the wall, illuminating a dungeon clearly carved out of the depths of a mountain.

by hybatsu


16 Ways Neopets Helps You Master "Real-World" Skills
In honor of Neopets’ 16th birthday, we’ve compiled a list of 16 awesome aspects of Neopets.com that have taught us Neopians some useful things about the “real world,” as some like to call it. (Wait, what? There’s life outside of Neopets?)

Collaboration with hottendott

by a_ramsell


Perfect Pairs: Top Ten Tea and Cake Combinations
Every Neopian knows there’s nothing quite like a good cup of tea to soothe your soul after a long, hard day at work. Add a cupcake, or a buttercream-smothered slice from the local bakery and you’re all set for an evening of rest and relaxation for you and your Neopets. But how does one choose one’s evening indulgences, faced with such an abundance of flavours, styles and brands?

by pepper_imp

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