Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 193,924,599 Issue: 725 | 25th day of Running, Y18
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My Usukicon Outfit

by toffeedatepudding

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Hungry Hungry Aisha
You look so good...

by katehoughtonbeckett


Eye of the Crokabek: Part One
Tim stepped out of the dark tunnel. The reddish glow of Moltara city greeted his eyes. As usual, there was a hum of whirring and puffing machinery. The city was alive with 'pets going about their daily business. And yet, something seemed different today.

by reiqua


An Alternate Universe
Or maybe just a little bit lost in translation.

by globetrekker


Janet and Jane: The Case of the New Addition: Part Five
I approached a store that was in the Marketplace. I went inside the store while James waited outside. The store was stocked with things, but had nobody in there. Not even the shopkeeper was in here. There was a cup that was on the counter and a sign that said, "Leave Neopoints in the cup" in big, black letters. That practically spelled out, "rob me".

by chasing_stars44

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