Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 194,328,353 Issue: 759 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y18
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Zapping while having bad luck?

by praline01

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Maybe because that's actually poisonous jelly...

by flustre


Chasing Treasure: Part Ten
Sam's relief at Rochefort's plans being halted was quickly replaced with dread. It only got worse when Niettah continued speaking.

by aethelar


Neggsweeper: A Pro's Guide
By the end of this guide, you should not only be able to understand the basics of Neggsweeper, but be on your way to being a Neggsweeper master!

by butterflybandage


Confessions That Aren't Really Confessions!
Inspired by the idea of uttering confessions that aren't true confessions, I thought I'd write this article! In it, I list all of the things that make us despondent, even though we're not really responsible for them. I hope you enjoy reading it, and that you feel better that you're not alone in your misery!

by indulgences

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