The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 194,397,092 Issue: 764 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y19
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Out of This World Romance

by hopeandjoy

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A Baby and a Brute: Part One
The wind tore through the woods with a fearsome howl, rattling the leafless branches. Everything was white but it was far from a winter wonderland. A lone figure trekked through the deep snow...

by 77thbigby


Sloth Day - A Pun So Evil
It's almost unthinkable...

by eenlee


How To Be Creative (And Make Neopoints Off It)
If you’ve got a talent for bringing Neopets (and Petpets too!) to life using your words or your drawings, then you’ve got quite an opportunity to show off these gifts and get rewarded for it at the same time.

by kahlen369


A Priceless Gem
She sighed. But l can't live my life in fear of talking to people! Mother wants me to take the throne someday, but how can I rule over a town if I'm forbidden from getting to know anyone? She looked back, where Crystalluxe was watching Lillille in confusion from her bedroom door. Maybe it's time…

by winter_pony4

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