A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,397,092 Issue: 764 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y19
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Fishing Tales

by x_mystichorse_x

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What do you want to be when you grow up?
Sometimes, you CAN get what you want.

by truebrony


Southward Bound: Part Two
"I’ve always heard rumours that he’d had a secret base at the South Pole, but I never dreamed they were real!” said Osa. “This is not good. There’s no way we could take on a whole Sloth base by ourselves!” said Brynn.

by kaioti


Celebrating Sloth Day In Style
14th day of Sleeping, Y19. Arguably, one of the best days of the year. Sloth Appreciation Day. The one day of the year where Dr. Frank Sloth, infamous evil scientist and leader of Virtupets Corp. gets the attention and admiration he deserves. So sit back, grab a notebook, and prepare to take notes on the best ways to celebrate Sloth Day in style!

Also by djleclair

by blackroseofwisdom


So You Lost it All On the Wheel of Extravagance
All you wanted was some exotic fruits or bread to spice up dinner; one minute you’re making a beeline for Qasalan Delights, telling yourself, out loud, over and over, this time he isn’t going to get you - and the very next thing you know, you’re letting go of the side of the wheel, chanting BIG MONEY BIG MONEY as it spins before you, that darn Tonu laughing at your naivete as he greedily counts a bag full of your hard-earned neopoints, more than you should even be carrying in the first place.

by rhosymedre

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