Meow Circulation: 194,561,505 Issue: 775 | 31st day of Running, Y19
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The Dainty Nipper

by ktseas

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Daily Dare 2017: The (Unfortunate) Return of Chadley
TNT's announcing the new event, but they forgot to let Abbie know about the new surprise

Also by jinxthebadluckgirl

by glittery4u


Do You Believe In Magic: Part Three
As strange as the rest of his journey had been thus far, this felt like real magic. The rest could have been pre-arranged, actors stationed at various points in the subterranean caverns for some unknowable reason, but this…this couldn’t have been done naturally. This was his wish come true. This was adventure.

by emblo93


The Shadow Man's Game
It was 3 years ago that same night, with the shining moon high in the sky that he disappeared into The Haunted Woods...

by sindria_trace


Ilarrah's Inspiration
“Well, of course not. But being a recluse for the rest of time won't help you, either. It's time to try something new. See?” She waved one stitched paw out in front of them, encompassing a wall of cacophony.

by goldmoon_

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