A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 194,677,420 Issue: 786 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y19
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Preparing for the Festival of Neggs.

by lily_death

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Altador’s Guardians' Favorite Astronomical Items
f you have ever visited Altador, whether to complete the plot available there or to compete in the current Altador Cup, you have definitely stumbled upon the Hall of Heroes.

by doglover3662


Quiggle Squiggle!
Happy Quiggle Day!

Also by suixx

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Plushie Tycoon: The Method Behind the Madness
As my quest for avatars begins to narrow, there is one I find myself still constantly skipping over: the smug Skeith representing the harrowing game of Plushie Tycoon.

by itsmeganduhx


What am I? #10 (The End)
Can you guess the species and color of this neopet using only a short riddle and a few pictures?

by pets_rock_8

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