Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 194,677,420 Issue: 786 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y19
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Altador Cup Fan

by franzgirl

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Great stories!


The Altador Cup: Avoiding Rest Day Boredom
It can be a jarring experience when you’ve been focusing all your efforts on Yooyuball to suddenly not know what to do. So here are some ideas to help you re-focus and achieve something meaningful on practice days.

Also by kayahtik

by plasticrose


Guide to Customizing Lab Rats
Customization and lab rats are two ideas that seem to be incompatible. But what if there were clothes that could fit on lots of different pets?

by clara_quinn


Achieving the Impossible
We all have one. That big, impossible dream that seems so beyond your reach that it’s in a completely different atmosphere. It’s so gargantuan that you don’t even know where to start, so you don’t.

by saiphami


Team Lost Desert: The Complete History
A tribute to my favorite AC team since 2006.

by angel_aura_quartz

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