Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 194,677,420 Issue: 786 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y19
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Sticky Situation

by jactura

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What am I? #10 (The End)
Can you guess the species and color of this neopet using only a short riddle and a few pictures?

by pets_rock_8


Glory Days: Trust Issues
She was right to doubt him.

by darkpassage


Smells Like Team Spirit
How can you show your dedication to a specific team in the various areas of the site? Read on to find out.

by aleu1986


Plushie Tycoon: The Method Behind the Madness
As my quest for avatars begins to narrow, there is one I find myself still constantly skipping over: the smug Skeith representing the harrowing game of Plushie Tycoon.

by itsmeganduhx

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