A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,677,420 Issue: 786 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y19
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Something has happened!!

by cadunciaberdov

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Altador’s Guardians' Favorite Astronomical Items
f you have ever visited Altador, whether to complete the plot available there or to compete in the current Altador Cup, you have definitely stumbled upon the Hall of Heroes.

by doglover3662


Team Lost Desert: The Complete History
A tribute to my favorite AC team since 2006.

by angel_aura_quartz


Glory Days: Trust Issues
She was right to doubt him.

by darkpassage


Five Backgrounds/Foregrounds for Your AC Customizations
With all of the other events going on during the Cup, it is understandable that customization takes a backseat ranking up and being the best! Therefore, I have decided to write a guide that provides five different starting points to plan your perfect Altador Cup customizations.

by andrewo94

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