teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 194,775,295 Issue: 794 | 18th day of Hiding, Y19
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Nuke and Junior - Taking Flight

by krabbox

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Neopian Air Travel
Luckily, these lands have provided their own way of getting to them, different from one another and providing their own flight experience. So sit down, buckle your fastening device, and if you get easily queasy don’t look down, as we sweep through!

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Fly Away Home
Here are some ways to spruce up your Faerieland Neohome even if you have to forego yard space – and don’t worry you can still utilize that fluffy, white lawn!

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Dinner with the Scarlets: Reach for the Stars 1 of 2
I know how to fix that problem!

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Myths and Omens: In the Sky
Our aim is to preserve these in their original rendition while reciting the story as it was recited to us by the natives of each Neopian land.

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