Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,939,286 Issue: 808 | 8th day of Celebrating, Y19
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by beanlein

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Great stories!


A Hero's Journey:Part Three
Rupert's whole body began to tense up as he saw the jolly roger flag, the symbol for piracy, approaching on the horizon.

by jetaketa


Maam & Mussshhhy
Cute and adorable.

by plutos


AAA and Abigails Astounding Race:Part Five
AAA was still in Moltara City, and he was not happy. The Mayor wouldn’t let him through the caves!

by ilhs11


7 Borovan-Flavoured Desserts You Need To Try This!
Every winter, as the frost starts to descend and the days start to dwindle, Neopians everywhere begin to look forward to that most magical of days.

by plasticrose

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