For an easier life Circulation: 195,039,356 Issue: 816 | 15th day of Awakening, Y20
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A Chocolate PUN

by kennielee

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Great stories!


Elaine's Expedition:Part Six
Elaine and Jaycin raced through the sprawling passageways, afraid the monster was just on their heels. The cut on Elaine's leg burned, but she didn't care; a small scratch could wait when there was a hungry Hissi chasing them.

Also by afsheen_27

by milkshakes004


The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift to your Loved One
Today, we’ve made a list of gifts that you can give to your loved one to celebrate this amazing Valentine’s day together.

Also by naama_mikeas

by itsbah


BD Item Sticky Hands' Valentine's Day
What do you think they do, given that item stealing in the BD has been broken for so long?

by mbredboy31


Unexpected Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day!
Valentine's Day doesn't always have to be about gifts!

by k3l26

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