White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 195,039,356 Issue: 816 | 15th day of Awakening, Y20
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Gray Pets vs Happy Petpets

by tangamandapiano

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Valentine Rarities to Keep Away from a Brat
Of course, there's the classic box of... candy, but there are also many other creative and unique gift ideas which your friend will surely love. Some are incredibly rare and valuable, making them a great choice for someone you truly care about.

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Valentine's Delivery
Love is in the Air

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The Re-discovery of Lutari Island
This story was a guild collaboration celebrating our second year together! Whimsicality, best guild ever!

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Mundo The Grundo vs The Alien Aishas:Part Four
Last time on Mundo The Grundo vs The Alien Aishas

Mundo had gotten himself in quite the predicament, finding himself arrested and placed in jail among a group of other criminals. A stroke of luck occurred when the electricity was knocked out, causing all the cell pods to malfunction and release the prisoners. The rag tag trio of Mundo, Tyree the Lutari, and a tax-evading Acara named Petrina set off to try to create a weapon to fend off the enemy, but they were stopped short.

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