A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 195,138,216 Issue: 825 | 27th day of Eating, Y20
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Unlucky Random Event

by neschulz

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A Review of Neopia’s Healthy Smoothies
’ll admit, before deciding to research for this article, I never really gave the Smoothie Store in the Bazaar of Neopia Central a chance. There were always so many other stores available, and something about the “health” factor of smoothies really put me off. I mean, why not get a bubble tea from The Coffee Cave in Roo Island or a slushie from the Slushie Shop in Terror Island? Sure, the boba was loaded with sugar. And sure, the trip to the Slushie Shop was long, inconvenient, and cold, but the icy drinks were always sweet, flavored with delicious syrups. But surely that was much better than drinking some...blended up broccoli and spinach or something.

But finally, one day, I decided to see what was really in the Smoothie Store...

by pinkcrown123


Of Silence: Signed and Sealed:Part Four
Alright, great news: I think it worked! (Don’t allow me to jinx things too badly, though.)

by werelupecookies


Just mutant things vol. 3
Sometimes you can't help being what you eat.

by jacquelineramrez


NeoPaper: Best Species
Check it out, you know I'm right!

by mbredboy31

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