A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 195,138,216 Issue: 825 | 27th day of Eating, Y20
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Atasty treat for Turmy?

by hunnybunnie

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Leave Room for the Impossible:Part Three
“I told you Poogle five was where it was at!”

Eliss laughed, holding a bag of faerie popcorn that she was sharing with Anna. It tasted more buttery and delicious than any popcorn they had ever eaten in Tyrannia.

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Use it wisely...

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Just mutant things vol. 3
Sometimes you can't help being what you eat.

by jacquelineramrez


Tales and Details
Great fiction writers are some of the best magicians of our time. With a wave of their pens and some magic words – Presto! – the faeries suddenly dance and sway to the swirling voice of the wind as it passes through trees in the heart of the glade one Summer day. “Not to your liking?” with a flick of the wrist, a planet stops spinning and bursts open like a party popper, raining streaks of bits and rockets unto an unsuspecting sun.

by muuper

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