teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 195,197,181 Issue: 830 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y20
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What ever you do, don't look behind you!!!

by hunnybunnie

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Great stories!


Happy Birthday

by doug_henrique


Yay! New avatar!

by doug_henrique


Hope For New:Part Two
Late at night, thunder crashed around outside the little bars of my cage. The pound wasn’t a nice place, let me tell you. Dr. Shtalker would make his rounds every day, collecting the pets who had been there for the longest, and taking them to his lab, cackling with joy, and every day I hoped I wouldn’t be one of those pets who never returned.

by hazelsmartotop


The Kadoatery: The Various Kadoatie Personalities
Whether you’re new to Kad feeding and are working your way towards obtaining the avatar or you’re an overfeeder who spends the majority of their time hanging out at the Kadoatery, I guarantee that at some point you will have met some, if not all these Kadoatie personalities!

by mel_liew_ming_li

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