A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 195,341,355 Issue: 843 | 12th day of Collecting, Y20
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My Branches

by _gizmo_stern_

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A Princess and Her Struggles
You will make a great Queen of The Lost Desert when the time comes...

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The Princess and the Crook:Part Four
Wait… Whaaaaat? I needed water. I needed to get away from there. My head was spinning and I began sweating profusely. Why? Why? WHY?

by chlo26


Neohome Sweet Neohome
When you always stay at the neolodge and forget you own a house

by eugenie247


The Hardest Ever Neopets Quiz?
Do you know your Meepits from your Feepits? Can you name every Neopet species by heart? Remember the start date of every event? It's time to test your knowledge of Neopets. No cheating, now - find the answers off the top of your head, or not at all!

by ohsounicornly

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