Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 195,341,355 Issue: 843 | 12th day of Collecting, Y20
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by hamster_z

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Perhaps you should follow her

by lighters_


A Princess and Her Struggles
You will make a great Queen of The Lost Desert when the time comes...

by kalir


Neohome Sweet Neohome
When you always stay at the neolodge and forget you own a house

by eugenie247


Cheap Ways To Make An Impressive Neopet
In a lot of ways, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and true beauty can only be found within, but when you hit the neoboards and everyone starts laughing at your basic Green Uni those ideas go right out the window with your self esteem. But what are you to do if you do not have a lot of neopoints, you spend your afternoons at the Soup Kitchen and a splurge treat for your pets is a single night at the roach hotel?

by luuuvmebabe

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