Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 195,399,298 Issue: 850 | 7th day of Celebrating, Y20
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End of Year 20 Bulletin

by welikedots

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Great stories!


850 Days Later
The sky was playing a symphony of magical colors that night, notes of muted purples sang their way through harmonies of deep blues while dazzling greens reverberated in between. The cool colors sang soft promises high above the horizon, beckoning the passion of the warm yellows and oranges still clinging to the setting sun to fade away.

by the_gecko_dude_ii


I'm a Faerie in a Bottle:Part Three
Our adventurers had just escaped from a herd of raging Tapiras on the back of newly visible Tuceets and landed on Mystery Island.

co-written with ___popo___

by grimmbones7


Happy 850th issue, Neopian Times!
Here's to many more issues and weewoo's for the future!

by littlegirlydude


Getting into a special edition of NT? How?
Being part of a special edition is a dream of lots of Neopians. Some try every time, but not everyone is selected. Whether it is the Halloween special, the Birthday special or the 50 editions special, what is the secret to having your text published?

by royal_real

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