Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 195,492,597 Issue: 855 | 8th day of Awakening, Y21
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The Hungry Thief

by bojackh_

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Kissy Kissy
You only need 50 NPs.

by purplegirl_2012


Avatar collecting

by smilingpony


The Treasure of Smuggler's Cove
Clyf, a pirate Krawk, laughed heartily, taking another swig of grog. His face was flushed with happiness. Him and his crew were sitting at The Golden Dubloon, basking in the glory of another day of piracy.

by unfogging


The Parable of the Techo Master
We all have heard of the Techo Master. Over the years, many students have been in awe of his ability to levitate in addition to his seemingly infinite knowledge of the fighting arts. And in turn, many students have left the dojo out of frustration, even after having paid the codestones needed to train.

by nolsterbuckr

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