teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 175,957,853 Issue: 354 | 8th day of Hiding, Y10
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Implosion, sadly, is a frequent occurrence in Neopia. One out of every three Neopians will implode before next month.

Happily Traded

People who trade or abandon Neopets are often depicted as the lowest of the low, as uncaring Neopians who view Neopets as trophies or valuable items to be bought and sold. I admit I once thought the same, until I met with a small band of Neopets on a ferry going to Krawk Island. I was on my way to interview a famous pirate who had recently found a long lost treasure. Since I am always on the lookout for interesting and exciting stories, seeing three owner-less Neopets on board the ferry instantly piqued my interest...

Avatar Obsession

Avatar collecting, in most cases, is no longer done by finding them on your own and in due time. People are now frantically looking for cheat sheets, kind people willing to lend them money and items, and multiple accounts to get you there sooner. What used to be casual and fun in the beginning is now a sport where if you don't have over 200 you don't know anything about them. Harder avatars, i.e. Faerie Queen Doll, are just as easy as getting what are now called "clickables", i.e. pet pages. This devalues many of the avatars...

Mastering Key Quest

So we all know the prizes of Key Quest (the newest venture by the people at TNT) are quite amazing; codestones, backgrounds, books, stamps, even Neggs are available! The one question I see too frequently asked, though, is how to get better? My record is near impeccable (almost always first, and only occasionally do I come in second) so I've decided to do my best to assist those other Neopians who want to take advantage of this great game (and have tons of fun while doing so!)...

Other Stories
"Sooty Happiness" by thealleycat13
"What's wrong with 84th, D? He just tells me to go away whenever I ask him what's wrong. This is the FIFTH time he's locked himself in his room. I'm tempted just to go back home to my main account for the day." I sighed, sitting in the electric arm chair in Dionrak's room. He looked up at me from his bed, where he was playing with a rubber yooyuball. "He wants a petpet," D stated simply...

"The One About the Quiggle" by jack_skelling10
The soft knock might as well have been a sledge hammer banging on the door, so much did it disturb my concentration. Frowning, I put down the jar of peanut butter I had been eating out of and went to open the door. Standing on the worn out "Welcome to Pavilion Inn" mat was a bespectacled yellow Kacheek, looking a bit twitchy and nervous. "Ah, hello there..."

"Smartycara and the Evil Fuzzle" by marbookworm22
"Does this thing scare you?" Mar asked me, holding the Fuzzle to my face. "No," I said. It was pretty creepy, I will admit, with its wild blue fur and malevolently stitched smile. But I wasn't about to admit that. I've read way too much to be scared of something so small when there were other things to be scared of, like angry Chombies and Grundo diplomacy....

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Insured?: Part One
"I wish to speak with the Queen on a matter of much urgency," Northolt said. It was a lie, but then so was everything about him. His name wasn't Northolt, he wasn't a Lord, and he wasn't even a real Lutari...

by herdygerdy


Happily Traded
"Not all Neopets get along with their owners. Not all of us are happy simply with being well fed and cared for."

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From Sushi to Chaos
Byron frowned. He had labeled each of his products with a sticker that stated the price. He examined the container in the customer's hands and spotted that the bright yellow sticker was there, precisely in the middle of the clear container cap.

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Marshmallow Adventures!
La la la...

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Tegema's Quest
Hastily shoving the stopwatch back into her bag, she looked back up as the shopkeeper dragged the Spicy Geraptiku Tea into her view.

by dragonburst

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