The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 192,686,136 Issue: 656 | 1st day of Hiding, Y16
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Lord Darigan straightened his posture, and stared the plump Skeith down. "It takes a lot more than death to stop me, Skarl. I think you know that better than most."

Matching Petpets

One of the most exciting parts about Neopets is not only that you get to own lovely pets of your own, but that your pets can also have their own little critters to take care of! There is over 200 petpets for your pet to choose from, so sometimes it's a bit hard to pick the best one. However here are a few tips to picking out the perfect, matching petpet for your adorable neopet...

Facing Rejection

Rejection is something every Neopian has had to face. Whether it be a submission to the Neopian Times, an offer at the Mystery Island Trading Post, a Neopet trade offer, the list goes on. In light of the recent 650th issue and my own past experience with accepting rejection (issue 600, issue 550, issue 500, issue get the idea), this article will hopefully help...

Games to Avoid

Some games are so unreasonably random or difficult that they cause emotional distress and soul-wrenching frustration (for those of us who simply cannot seem to catch a break when playing them). Our minds turn these games into sentient beings, because surely they're out to get us. You can't fail that many times and have your countless defeats be your fault anymore...

Other Stories
"The Summer Holiday" by goodsigns
"That won't help the rest of us!" Philesia shouted. The group of Aishas and one Ogrin lounged around the Neohome, sweating in the summer heat. There was no response from their owner, and the Mutant Aisha started grumbling...

"And Professor Vinsjin Died" by dragonair23
He put on a voice not unlike what one would hear in a sales pitch. "Vampires getting you down? Pant Devils appearing in the night? You know who to call! The Ghoul Catchers have had many years experience in the extermination..."

"The Star Prophecy" by ummagine3284
I found myself in the middle of the ocean. Not one of my better days. Floating, freezing, water trickling my ears. The salty water filled my mouth as my arms flailed for something to grab. I was able to keep my head above the waves...

New Game Is A Blast

This week's issue is brought to you by: Coal War Tactics
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Aggravated Ava-Stars 04: Watch Your Back
You should never let your guard down around them...

by amelia_124


Deals with Magax: Part One
Battle cries were carried by the wind over to Rosemary. Was it Magax? Dare she believe that she had finally found him?

by starluffy


Facing Rejection... And Writing a Better Article
You're staring down at your hands. The letter you've waited anxiously the past week for has finally arrived.

by petpet_master_


Stachetastic: the Hair-Raising Origin - Part Three
"I can talk to people, sure, but I can't dance! And there's bound to be Defenders--what if I lose my cool and start squealing all over the place?!"

by flufflepuff


The Flight of Faerieland: Part Three
Fyora arose from her slumber quite early, despite being exhausted from the previous day. There was a knock at the door of her chambers.

by black_skull725

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