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Petpet Spotlight

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- Today's Petpet Spotlight -

Petpet Name: Dartanion
Owner: richnangela005
Pet Name: Archedian
Breed: White Gallion

About Dartanion:
A very dull voice that is full of complete and unquestionable authority: *All of this text has been Translated so that you can understand the words of petpets and petpetpets in the story. Yes, this is very hard to do -- and, er.. quiet Complicated. We recommend only professionals try any petpet or petpetpet translating --Thank you.*

“Du do dah bedel er ah!” Dartanion continued softly singing. Kie a cute little Cooty joins the singing five octaves higher. “Me lalava Ti-”
Suddenly Dartanion stopped walking and laughed softly and finished with a duet.
“Ra zah tlah”
“....Do ta!” Kie smiled and wondered aloud “So what are we going to do today?”
Dartanion sits down and thinks for a second “Well I thought maybe the beach on Krawk Island, there are always treasures to find there! Or maybe a day up in the space station.” He seemed to stop but then his eyes lit up and he stood exclaiming “And maybe we could sneak aboard a shuttle to Kreludor, or other mysterious places.” He grinned widely.
“I don’t know, that seems kind of dangerous....” Kie creased his brow and thought about what might happen if something went wrong.
“We could get hurt, or sent to the evil Pink Grundo -- and he’ll make us WORK!”
Kie was starting to sound hysterical, but Dartanion, just wrinkled his nose and scoffed at the thought of the ugly Grundo.
“Pfft, he doesn’t scare me. I’ll just leave a note for Archedian and then were off to the Spaceport!” He looked up into the bright blue Neopian sky and smiled seeing his destination in his mind.

After Dartanion and Kie got into their owners Neohome Dartanion found his red notebook and ripped out a page and scribbled a note to Archedian, his owner.
It said: Gra Dal metar Soiam sqeee Tost ar. (*which translates roughly to: going to stars.*)
Dartanion nodded at his scribbled efforts and put it on top of Archedians’ hover table. Dartanion shuddered as he turned around to walk away from the table, it was always a mystery as to how the heavy stone table could hover off the ground and it made him nervous.
No one seemed to notice as Dartanion flew off toward the Space Station, and no one even tried to stop them when they went past Faerie Land to bypass the system. They didn’t want to wait for a ride, it could take hours for someone to let them on, after all they were just petpets doing nothing of real importance... by the standard of older Neopians.
They got to the space station in record time, just in time to hear the loud speaker blare out: ‘Those of you still needing to take the Sloth loyalty test must report to the Virtupets Mind Control Center. NOW!’
“Hehehe” Dartanion laughed “Shall we go there Kie?” He asked jokingly.
The little Cooty laughed “Haha! sure, after you!” Both were laughing and hardly noticed a shady Grundo watching them from across the report deck. Dartanion stiffened when he felt his gaze and walked away pretending to be with a random pet.
“it’s been a while since we have been here, seems like there are more Sloth spies, we should make ourselves scarce around them.” Dartanion mused aloud and continued walking toward the red petpet door.
“Want to go visit the petpets?” Kie asked only half innocently.
“No.” grumbled Dartanion shaking his head. The last time he went there some robot petpets tried to analyze his fur and wings.
He looked over to the Grundo’s cooking counter as they passed by it and saw some really odd looking foods. “Look over there at that!” He said to Kie. “I have never seen anything like it!” he said in wonder.
He saw a plate with miniature trees, all swaying around in circles as if they were alive. Then next to that he saw a HUGE bowl of... ice cream? he rose an eyebrow and stepped a little closer. it looked like a scoop of metal ice-cream. “Eeww” he softly muttered. Kie nodded his eyes huge at the site of all this odd food.
The Grundo chef was giving out free samples of a Toxic looking slush that had Sloth’s infamous cape on it. “Don’t try it, come on lets go.” He took one last glance over his shoulder at the toxic mess and out of the corner of his eye he saw the mysterious Grundo that he’d seen earlier standing against a door, wearing a long black coat. The Grundo looked at Dartanion and then the door opened and he went inside. leaving Dartanion feeling uneasy and scared.
“Who is that guy?” Kie asked the obvious question.
“I don’t know...” Dartanion replied still not sure what to do about it. After a moment he decided he would ignore the Grundo and go to the Loading Docks like he had planned on doing.
he walked all the way around the Station and saw the guard at the door of the loading docks, also known as the Grundo Warehouse. It is here that all the foods, furniture, and other items are packaged and sent out, or received. He tried to think of a way to distract the guard, but his thoughts were interrupted by the loudspeaker that boomed: ‘Will the owner of a blue Vat-U-Jet registration number C338H, please report to the main desk.’
Suddenly the Grundo seemed a little nervous and he looked around once, and then set his notebook down and ran away.
“That was easy.” Dartanion said happily, and waltzed to the door, just pressed the open button and scurried inside the main Grundo Warehouse room. Once in he found the door that said ‘Outgoing’ there were tons of brown crates of all sizes waiting to be loaded onto the transport units.
“Quick find a crate labeled Kreludor” Dartanion set to work looking and Kie jumped of his back and started maneuvering around the boxes reading the tags.
A few minutes later Dartanion was lucky “Found one!” Kie came running. “Aww -- Neopets! It’s doesn’t leave till tomorrow.” He sighed slowly trying to think of something new to do.
“We could go back home and prowl through the garden.” offered Kei, pretending to prowl along Dartanion right wing.
“Or watch the grass grow.” Dartanion grumbled sarcastically while Kie nodded enthusiastically.
“Ppffft.” Dartanion blew out a big puff of air and sat down on the ground. when he looked up to speak he thought he saw something move in-between two of the crates and stood up to follow it.
He heard something move behind him and spun around to investigate its source. Nothing was there.
He started walking deeper into the seemingly never ending piles of crates when he heard a sound like someone tip toeing behind him. He stopped, and the noise continued, he turned around but no one was there. He then turned and ran as fast as he could, then he remembered he could fly so he took of the ground and flew faster and farther away from the loading docks, and came upon the incoming crates. He was a little tired so he stopped flying and settled on a top crate when the lights went out.
Kie screamed with fright but Dartanion remained as calm as possible. He closed his eyes and counted to ten and when he opened them he knew the lights would be on.
“Nine... ten!” He popped open his eyes and it was dark, darker than night, suddenly his crate moved, and it felt like it was lifting off the ground.
He was afraid that if he tried to move something terrible might happen so he waited. he tried to focus all his energy on his sight and sound senses, he could hear heavy breathing and a loud thumping noise. he realized the later was his heart, but he as still holding his breath, so the breathing was not his own.
suddenly he saw a shiny speck in the ceiling and he blinked a couple of times and realized there were two of them, and they were twinkling. He took in a long breath and whispered “We’re outside”
Kie was shivering with freight in between Dartanion’s wings. suddenly the crate was lifted out from under Dartanion and he almost free fell for a full second before his wings caught him and he heard a voice whispering in the space.
“Don’t venture here again, run home little child, before Sloth swipes your ability to do that!” with each word said a Grundo appeared in the darkens a ghost of the, mysterious Grundo that Dartanion had seen inside the Space Station.
Dartanion quivered as the ghost waves his hands as if pushing Dartanion away, and a mysterious solar wind came up and blew them for a long time away from the Space Station.
“Keep your eyes on that Ghost Grundo Kie, make sure he does not follow us!” Dartanion yelled behind him as he flew straight towards home.
A few minuets later Dartanion and Kie rested gratefully back in their Neogarden watching the grass grow.

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