There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 105,637,792 Issue: 210 | 30th day of Gathering, Y7
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Scaredy Tomato

by jazzyshizzle

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Big Brother Blues Two
It had been about two years since I had lost my younger brother, Twilight. He was a young, slightly annoying baby Gelert. I got annoyed with him, and my owner noticed, and felt the same way. But my owner got so angry with him that eventually, she left him at the pound...

by kia_shadow


Advanced Guide to Magma Blaster
Don't be hesitant! Destroy rocks like you have never destroyed rocks before! Your gold trophy depends on it!

by 666daerik666


The Neolodge - a Stay to Remember
Welcome to AstroVilla Hotel! I will be your receptionist for the evening, as I will guide you around the area and discuss your options that you have here. Hopefully by this tour you will choose to stay here a few nights to enjoy many things which I believe will interest you!

by agnoline


Ai Yi Aisha
You've got to be kidding...

by yami13331

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