Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 105,637,792 Issue: 210 | 30th day of Gathering, Y7
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New Series

Ummagine: Part One

"Mggrff..." Stan groaned, as the Guards all grabbed his limbs and sat on him. Code of Thieves, Moral Lesson Number One: Never get caught.

by shadowcristal
Space Flight: Part One

"I have watched space ships for quite a while. My whole life, in fact. I know too well crash statistics, survival rates, things like that..." He gave a nervous chuckle, and tried to shrug it off...

by plutoplus1
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Traded Turdle - Part One

Neopets sat at the bleachers, waving flags and pointing down into the circle. Five Turdles were being placed into the center. Skarl could almost hear the crowd's excitement by the looks on their faces...

by playmobil_is_my_life
The Jackals of Sakhmet- Kasha's Plot: Part One

There was nothing pleasant about the vast desert lands of the Lost Desert. It was always scorching hot and the setting sun would blind you with its blazing rays...

by arrielle5
A Hand to Guide You: Part One

She was busily working on the month's bills, which were in a stack several inches high sitting next to her. Not moving, I pretended not to hear her from the couch in the living room where I was sitting. This trick used to work when I was young, but she was getting fed up, I could tell...

by spunkyclaire
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Alternative Gardening

Since I am not a big fan of getting my fingers all dirty (and I have never quite gotten the hang of the garden room format with its foreground-background layering system), I decided to take a different approach to giving my neohome a nice big yard. This article is meant to inspire other "garden-challenged" neohomers...

Other Stories


The Perfect Petpet
I entered the room to see Foxy, a cute little Christmas Doglefox, sitting and whimpering as Pup, a Christmas Puppyblew, circled around him, making fake lunges and snapping at thin air a couple inches from Foxy's face. Both Ember and Angel looked at me, then both said simultaneously, "Help!"

by wolf_queen3004


Big Brother Blues Two
It had been about two years since I had lost my younger brother, Twilight. He was a young, slightly annoying baby Gelert. I got annoyed with him, and my owner noticed, and felt the same way. But my owner got so angry with him that eventually, she left him at the pound...

by kia_shadow


An Interview With a Game Hero: a Certain Alien Aisha
There’s a certain new game called Magma Blaster that, while being a very fun game with good payout, leaves many things unanswered. I decided to see if I could find out some inside information straight from the game’s own hero, an Alien Aisha.

by nut862


Mynci Guide to Advance Players
I discovered that there was a whole other part of the game that wasn’t explored. This article is taking Mynci Beach Volleyball to a much higher level, providing you with as much knowledge I know.

by czenko28


Bad Carma
Who likes puns?

by armadi


Lost... in the Tombs!
Please be sure to direct any tomb related frustrations to the "Whack-a-Staff" area.

by frogcooke

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