Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 105,637,792 Issue: 210 | 30th day of Gathering, Y7
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Cool Gifts Come... In Small Packets!

by pokemon_lunatic

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The Great Turmaculus
That morning, the earth faerie, Illusen, was strolling on the Meridell hills, breathing in the crisp morning air...

by ilovehyrule


BOOM!: Part Six
"We're supposed to be at the gym in one minute!" she explained. "Didn't you read the bulletin board yesterday?"

by blubblub317


Advanced Guide to Magma Blaster
Don't be hesitant! Destroy rocks like you have never destroyed rocks before! Your gold trophy depends on it!

by 666daerik666


Never Wish to Fly: Part Two
"Where did you get this?" he shouted. Leaving no time for her to possibly answer, he continued. "This is a space map piece! I thought it was gone for good..."

by puppy200010

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