Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 113,211,275 Issue: 226 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y8
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Sweet and Lovable?

by foamysfinalresort

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Neo Randomness!
All right! I'll count to 60...

by kittyluvergrrl


Lupe Eat Lupe World
Seems like attaching a petpetpet is kinda cold, if you think about it...

by outpour


Walking the Plank
Aboard the docks, Jacques sat depressed next to the edge of the ship, hanging his head over the side of the railing. There was a pinch of guilt and low self-esteem in his stomach that couldn't quite fade...

by ironytothemax


Item: Rusty Old Can.

by 5tnt

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