White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 113,211,275 Issue: 226 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y8
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New Series

Faerie Forest: Part One

On this particular day, there was only one neopet in the clearing- a spotted Cybunny who was dancing around happily as she picked flowers...

by lavendergoddess79
The Treasured Diary: Part One

Nearly every night there were grand balls full of his loyal subjects who did everything in their power to make sure they kissed up to him as much as possible. He shook his head in bemusement. Oh yes, being a prince was just terrible.

by twirlsncurls5
The Search for the Tooth Faerie: Part One

"There IS no Tooth Faerie!" Dewdrop replied. "It's just something that happens to make you feel better for losing a tooth. The Tooth Faerie isn't real!"

by silentbutterfly
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"Illusen's Bad Day" by ailkenorem
"Does anyone know where I put my cookie?" asked Illusen hysterically. She was having some trouble finding one of her Illusen's Cookies to give to a quester. Getting increasingly frustrated, she moved around the glade trying to find the cookie. Illusen was having a bad day. No, more like an awful, terrible, horrible kind of day. For one thing...

Other Stories


The Way It Was
It was in those days that Illusen and Jhudora came into being; on the same day, the same hour, the very same moment...

by hmlanden


Written at 3am
And so the crew of the pirate ship Scurvy Weewoo found itself being boarded by a horde of what appeared to be a bunch of oversized Bruces with fangs and spines...

by child_dragon


The Top 10 Advantages for Taking Part in the Monthly Games
There are several fun filled reasons that you should change your ways and give these tournaments a try. We’ll be looking at the top ten reasons to take part in the monthly tournaments.

by sillyjillyprincess


10 Ways to Tell if You Are Going to Be a Lab Pet
Here are a few signs to watch for in your owner to see if he or she is suffering from Thinkius buyus labis rayis (Thinking of buying a lab ray)...

by zoogerdame


Not a game for Elephantes...

by shade876


Aisha Groove
Never lend an Aisha money... You may never see it again.

by discokitten

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