A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 136,691,549 Issue: 283 | 16th day of Running, Y9
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Evil Feepit #14

by fmoura_98

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Illusen Writes the Editorial?
Anyway, since Illusen's pretty occupied, she asked me to write the editorial instead. And before you strangle me screaming, "We want Illusen! Now!" please, have mercy. I'm just a cute little Doglefox.

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Freedom Reigns
"Maddie," Sophie said gently, trying to get her sister to understand, "it's my duty to go back and save those faeries..."

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Trouble in the Ice Caves
Hannah and Armin run into a little problem in the Ice Caves.

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by pencil_cases


Illusen, Victorious
Jhudora first took a sip of her coffee, then unfolded the newspaper and began to read. Her eyes scanned the major headline, and her heart skipped a beat...

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