Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 136,691,549 Issue: 283 | 16th day of Running, Y9
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New Series

Shifting Sands and the Snowager: Part One

He was standing on a ledge looking over Happy Valley, but from this distance the dome-shaped buildings shrunk to the size of matchboxes, and the individual pets to the size of ash falling from the matches...

by wicked_summer
The Ghost of Meridell: Part One

The Lupess couldn't help but smile malevolently. Those foolish knights had been searching for this place ever since the organization had been founded more than a hundred years ago...

by kt_fox
Illusen's Bad Hair Day: Part One

Everyone gets bad hair days, she told herself, and hopefully mine won't last too long. After all, she wasn't Illusen the Earth Faerie for nothing...

by ummagine3284
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"Boochi - World Domination" by master_yoda_kenobi
Boochi got prepared to go. He combed out his fur and retied his bright red satin bow, trying to look nice. Of course, he brought his ray gun for emergencies and entertainment. Well, entertainment could be found anywhere with Boochi...

Other Stories


Freedom Reigns
"Maddie," Sophie said gently, trying to get her sister to understand, "it's my duty to go back and save those faeries..."

by grapesourhorse


The Journal of a Moody Faerie
It's not even 8:00 yet, and already I've given out more prizes in two hours than I usually give out in one day...

Also by kittygirl5170

by birdinggal


Illusen's Secrets to Staying in Shape
"I make all the foods with 'Illusen' in the name," she shares with us, "so I put only the finest, healthiest ingredients into my food and then I sell the foods to shops all over Neopia to provide them to you. I make sure they are low fat and have vitamins that all Neopets need."

by lassie_nikki


The 2007 Doughnut Awards
Nowadays there are a lot of doughnuts you can choose from, from shops on nearly every market corner. Well, which ones are the nicest?

by dreamsprite_pixie


Normal is Overrated
The Secret Origin!

by tamarainian_girl


The Ka-DOLT-ery
One of the reasons why kadoaties don't ask for Draik eggs at the Kadoatery anymore...

by lissy_chan

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